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SCA - Scottish Catholic Archives
B - Bishops
CB - Blairs College
DA - Diocese of Argyll and the Isles
DAB - Diocese of Aberdeen
DD - Diocese of Dunkeld
DE - Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh
DG - Diocese of Galloway
DM - Diocese of Motherwell
ED - Eastern District Vicariate
GC - Gifted Compilations: Research work by Individuals
GD - Gifts and Deposits
MB - Marist Brothers
MC - St Margaret's Convent
MF - Microfilms
MM - Miscellaneous Manuscripts
MP - Missions and Parishes
PG - Photographic Collection
SmP - Small Printed
A - Scottish Catholic
B - Scottish: Not Catholic Post-Reformation [except for Saints]
C - Not Scottish: Catholic
D - Offprints
H - CTS London
J - Catholic Truth Society of Ireland
K - Archival Repositories and Societies: Historical Societies
L - Periodicals: Scottish Catholic / Roman Catholic Liturgy / Gaelic
M - Periodicals: Scottish General
N - Periodicals: Miscellaneous
O - Vatican
1 - Papal encyclicals: CTS translations
2 - Vatican II documents
3 - Papal Documents
1 - Quaestiones Theologicae - De quibus Deliberabitur in Conventibus Dioecesium Scoticanarum
2 - Catholic Documents
3 - Catholic Documents II
4 - Catholic Documents III
5 - Catholic Documents IV
6 - Sanctissimi Domini Nostri PII divina Providentia Papae X Motu Proprio
7 - "the Workers' Charter"
8 - Women and the Priesthood - Declaration inter insigniores on the question of the admission of women to the Ministerial Priesthood
9 - Decree on Ecumenism
10 - "Ecclesiam Suam" His Church - First Encyclical Letter of His Holiness
11 - To Protestants and other non-Catholics
12 - "Hvmani Generis" - De nonnullis falsis opinionibus quae cathoicae doctrinae fun - Damenta subruere minantur
13 - The Pope on Peace and War
14 - The Pope and Church Music
15 - The Apostolic Letter of Leo XIII to Scotland on The Church and its Mahgisterium
16 - Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Pope Pius XI (ubi arcano dei)
17 - Encyclical letter on Fostering true religious union, of our most holy Lord Pius XI
18 - Apostolic Constitution of Pope Pius XI - "Divini cultus sanctitatem"
19 - Doctrines of the Modernist
20 - Pope Leo XIII to the Scottish Bishops
21 - Decree on the Renewal and Adaptation to Modern times of the Religious Life
22 - A Discourse on the Mission and Influence of the Pope
23 - The Holy See and The Church of Iona
24 - Sanctissimi Domini Nostri Leonis Divina Providentia Papae XIII Epistol Encyclica ad Episcopos Scotiae
25 - To all the Faithful who read this letter health and apostolic Benediction
26 - Letter of Our Holy Father by Divine Providence Pope Leo XIII. To the Bishops of Scotland
27 - Encyclical Letter of our Holy Father by divine Providence Pope Leo XIII. To the Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops, Bishops, and other Local ordinaries Having Peace and Communion with the Apostolic See
28 - The Unity of the Church
29 - Condition of Labour
30 - To the Bishops, The Clergy and the People of Italy
31 - On the Persecution of the Church and the Holy See by the Italian Government
32 - Venerabiles Fratres - Salutem et Apostolicam Benedictionem
33 - Enchiridion Indulgentiarum - Normae et Concessiones
34 - Instruction on Translation of Liturgical Text
35 - The Tenth Anniversary of the Encyclical "Pacem in Terris" of Pope John XXIII
36 - On the Regulation of Birth
37 - "Pastorale Munus"
38 - A Resumption of his audiences after the attempt on his life by John Paul II
39 - In Motu Proprio Form by which the Discipline of First Tonsure, Minor Orders and Subdiaconate in the Latin Church is Reformed
40 - In Motu Proprio Form Laying down certain Norms Regarding the Sacred order of the Diaconate
41 - Issue Motu Proprio, Determining Norms for Mixed Marriages
42 - Instructio de secreto Pontificio
43 - From for the Quinquennial
44 - Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale No 2
45 - Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale No 3
46 - Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale No 4
47 - Dedication of a Church and an Altar
48 - An Analysis - Prepared by an Inter-Episcopal Conference meeting in Dublin
49 - The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School - Guidelines for reflection and renewal
50 - Guide to the Training of Future Priests concerning the Instruments of Social Communication
51 - The Study of Philosophy in Seminaries
52 - Instructio De Institutione Liturgical in Seminaries
53 - Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis
54 - The Church in the World of Today
55 - Instructio - De ritibus et insignibus Pontificalibus simplicioribus reddendis
56 - Letter on the Certain Questions concerning Eschatology
57 - Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on some Aspects of Christian Meditation
58 - Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation
59 - At the Service of the Human Community: An Ethical Approach to the International Debt Question
60 - Index Facultatum Quinquennalium - Ordinariis Locorum Tributarum
61 - Decretum de Ecclesiis orientalibus Catholicis
62 - Decretum de Oecumenismo
63 - Constitutio Dogmatica de Ecclesia
64 - Decretum - De Instrumentis Communicationis Socialis
65 - Decretum - De institutione Sacerdotali
66 - Decretum - De Presbyterorum Ministerio et Vita
67 - Decretum - De Activitate Missionali Ecclesiae
68 - Decretum - De Pastorali Episcoporum Munere in Eclesia
69 - Declaratio - De Libertate Religiosa
70 - Decretum - De Apostolatu Laicorum
71 - Constitutio Dogmatica - De Divina Revelatione
72 - Constitutio Pastoralis - De Ecclesia in mundo Huius Temporis
73 - Declaratio - De Educatione Christiana
74 - Decreta et Declatationes Adprobata et promulgata in Sessione Publica
75 - Decretum - De accommodata Renovatione vitae Religiosae
4 - Miscellaneous
5 - Papal Visit 1982 9 Pope John Paul II
P - Miscellaneous
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